Client Success Story: Innovative Medical Solution Proves Market Potential with Response:AI Research

Medical technology is rapidly evolving, and particularly with regard to elective procedures like many plastic surgeries, market research can play a vital role in informing potential patients of new and innovative options. Establishment Labs (NASDAQ:ESTA) came to Response:AI in 2019 looking for data to understand reactions to a new, minimally-invasive breast augmentation procedure.  

Over the past 3 years, we have conducted 5 studies for Establishment Labs, in 10 countries and 8 languages. These studies have explored the attitudes women have regarding their physique, their interest in breast augmentation procedures, and presumptions about said procedures, including perceived social stigma, risk factors, appearance, and price. Our surveys have educated women as to the existence of this new procedure and helped Establishment Labs to better understand existing skepticism, as well as to better educate the public via advertising. Advanced techniques, including MaxDiff and Conjoint, have helped to prioritize brand messaging and determine optimal price/benefit combinations.  Furthermore, Response:AI also surveyed plastic surgeons to gauge their interest in adopting the new procedure. This was followed up by a qualitative analysis of these attitudes, which, while rare for our team at R:AI, is an increasing need for complex surveys.   

Vince Wu, the lead researcher on the Establishment Labs team, remarks:  

“Response:AI has been an ideal partner for this critical, but ambitious research. The team demonstrated super patience in rounds of brainstorming and iteration with me, figuring out the best route to uncover the true ‘job-to-be-done’ when women seek appearance improvement and their ‘life journey’ and ‘event-triggers.’ On top of that, they helped a great deal with question-wording around sensitive topics, ensuring we gained crucial insight while avoiding offense. 

Armed with key insights from our research, Establishment Labs is actively working to launch its new minimally-invasive breast augmentation technology in Europe, South America, and Asia. 

Is your company our next client success story waiting to happen? Let us help you achieve your market research goals! Click here to set up a demo and learn how Response:AI can empower you with the data you need to make decisions you can count on. 

Client Success Story: Innovative Medical Solution Proves Market Potential with Response:AI Research

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